Saturday, January 4, 2020


Chrome RDP

Posted By: Admin - January 04, 2020

Chrome Remote Desktop - Google Chrome

With Chrome Remote Desktop, the browser has a very good extension for remote control of computers. It is easy to use, completely free and available in French. An extension to discover and share!

Chrome Remote Desktop is an extension of Google Chrome that allows you to access a computer remotely safely. Once the module is installed, it can be accessed directly via the Google Chrome app launcher on the desktop.

chrome rdp chrome remote desktop

It is possible to share your computer with another user or access a remote PC. For the first choice, the google Chrome remote desktop host must be installed. In order for a sharing session to begin, users must share the generated identifier.

Chrome Remote Desktop allows you to take control of the remote computer's keyboard and mouse. It offers good display quality and correct responsiveness. Options are missing however on the call, so the user can only send the command Ctrl-Alt-Del on the remote machine.

On the hand side, Chrome Remote Desktop is easy to use, lightweight and offers a simple interface translated into other languages.

Link Chrome RDP Remote Desktop


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